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Wazifa to get love back

Wazifa to get love back

In life, relationships sometimes go through difficult phases that result in misunderstandings, separation, or emotional distance. For those seeking to mend broken bonds and rekindle love, the concept of Wazifa to get love back—a form of Islamic prayer or supplication—is often viewed as a spiritual means to achieve this goal.

A Wazifa is a structured way of reciting specific verses, names of Allah, or duas (prayers) with the intention of invoking Allah’s mercy and guidance. While Wazifas are often associated with personal desires, they are rooted in faith and must be performed with pure intentions and sincerity.

Importance of Intentions in Wazifa

Islam emphasizes the importance of a pure heart and genuine intentions when making any dua or performing a Wazifa. Using Wazifa solely for selfish or harmful purposes is discourage and consider unethical. Therefore, anyone seeking to use a Wazifa to get their love back should do so with the intention of rebuilding a healthy, respectful, and mutually fulfilling relationship.

Key Guidelines for Performing a Wazifa

Before beginning any Wazifa, it is important to follow these steps:

  1. Perform Ablution (Wudu): Ensure you are clean and in a state of ritual purity.
  2. Choose a Quiet Place: Select a peaceful environment free from distractions.
  3. Pray Regularly: Be consistent in offering the five daily prayers (Salah), as they form the foundation of your spiritual connection with Allah.
  4. Have Faith and Patience: Trust that Allah knows what is best for you and will respond to your prayers in the most appropriate way.

A Simple Wazifa to get lost love back

Here’s a Wazifa you can perform to help restore love in your relationship:

  1. After performing your Isha prayer, sit in a clean and quiet place.
  2. Recite Durood Sharif (e.g., Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammadin Wa Ala Aali Muhammadin Kama Sallaita Ala Ibrahima Wa Ala Aali Ibrahima Innaka Hamidum Majid) 11 times.
  3. Recite Ya Wadud (one of Allah’s names, meaning “The Most Loving”) 101 times with full concentration and devotion.
  4. Recite the following dua:
    “Rabbi Inni Lima Anzalta Ilayya Min Khairin Faqir” (Quran 28:24)
  5. End by reciting Durood Sharif 11 more times.
  6. Make a heartfelt dua, asking Allah to guide you and bring back love and harmony in your relationship. Be specific about your situation and intentions.
A Simple Wazifa to get lost love back
A Simple Wazifa to get lost love back

Things to Remember

  • Consistency: Perform this Wazifa for 11, 21, or 40 consecutive days.
  • Patience: Trust Allah’s timing and wisdom. Sometimes the answer to your prayer may not be immediate or may take a different form.
  • Ethics: Ensure that the love you seek to restore is halal (permissible in Islam). Avoid using Wazifa for relationships that violate Islamic principles.

The Role of Effort Alongside Wazifa

While spiritual practices are important, they should be accompanied by practical efforts to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings. Open communication, mutual respect, and forgiveness are key to rebuilding a strong and lasting relationship.

Consulting an Islamic Scholar

If you are unsure about how to perform a specific Wazifa or need personalized guidance, consult a knowledgeable and trustworthy Islamic scholar. They can provide clarity and ensure that your practices align with Islamic teachings.


A Wazifa is a beautiful way to seek Allah’s help and guidance during challenging times. When performed with sincerity, faith, and patience, it can bring comfort and hope. However, always remember that Allah’s wisdom surpasses human understanding, and His plans are always for the best. Trust in Him and continue to strive for love and harmony in all aspects of your life.

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