With respect to the parameters you choose, there can be different types of doors. One type of categorization you can do with respect to the location or function. As example is it the front door or backdoor. Another type of categorization can be with respect to the construction or the function of the door (function being overlapping in a lot of cases). Like is it a revolving door or a collapsible gate. Another type can be with respect to the materials. Is it a steel door or a wooden door.
Different types of doors with respect to the construction
There are many types of doors in this category. However, there are a couple which are most widely used.
Revolving doors:
There are four panes generally that are arranged perpendicular to one another centered on an axle. This type of doors are generally used in commercial places like malls and others.
Shutters and collapsible:
Both shutters and collapsible are metallic. Shutters open vertically. Collapsible on the other hand open horizontally. Both are used generally in commercial places like shops, warehouses, etc.
Sliding door:
As the name specifies, in this situation, the panes of the door slide on a rail for opening or closing. There can be number of panes depending on the width of the door. Advantage of this type of door is that, it does not occupy space inside the room.
Swing door:
Swing doors have one end fixed in a pivot. The other end is free to move. The pivoted end is fixed with a spring and as a result, when you open the door, the door closes by itself when the opening pressure is released.
Different types of wooden doors:
Wooden doors are different types with respect to their construction. They can have or lack different features like frames, panels, battens, braces, ledges. With respect to the presence or absence of different features, there are different types of doors. Wood door restoration is however generally costlier. But wood is elegant and has very good insulation qualities.
Different types of metallic doors:
Firstly, metallic doors can be made of different metals. Aluminium, steel, different variations of steel. Technically steel is an alloy and also Aluminium is not in inert chemical form in the door either. There can be different constructions like metal covered plywood door, hollow metal door, etc.
Glazed doors:
This technology can be applied to any door that uses glass. Glazing means glass installing. The advantage of this type of door is that, using glass makes them transparent to light. So, the rooms are illuminated during day naturally. But glass is bad conductor of heat and so it is a good thermal insulator. That keeps warm in winter. The insulating capacity can be enhanced by double glazing.
Different types of doors with respect to the materials used
Materials are one of the most important factors to decide when you install a new door.
PVC doors:
PVC is polyvinyl chloride. It is a kind of plastic. PVC doors though are not very strong but as they are plastic, they are light and easy to install. They are also much affordable.
Metallic doors:
Metallic doors are strongest. They however are much heavier. If not well maintained, they are prone to rust and corrosion. But their strength in undeniable and as a result, in commercial or high security places, they are widely used.
Metallic doors are generally made of Aluminum or some variant of steel. Metal doors can withstand high temperature and as a result are used in high temperature zones like factories. But they are poor thermal insulators and thus canβt provide coziness in summer or winter homes.
Glass and fiberglass doors:
They are very good insulators and thus ideal to keep your home warm in winter and cold in summer. However, they provide poor privacy options and need additional curtain or blinds to nullify that effect. Glass or fiberglass doors are generally installed on wooden or metallic frames.
Glass is very resistant to corrosion and thus is ideal in climates like tropical rainforest type (like in Hawaii, where frequent rain causes rust but thatβs not an issue with glass) or beach (glass is resistant to corrosion due to salt water, sunlight and rain). Fiberglass is however less prone to cracks than pure glass.
Wooden doors:
They are good insulators and look elegant. However wooden door repair is costly. But with proper maintenance the doors can last long and nice.
For wood door fix or for fixing any other door, you can search various phrases on the internet like timber door repairs or wooden sliding door repairs that will help you find a good company for your door and window installation needs.
Final words
The choice of the specific door for your home or office will depend on the functions and facilities you expect from the door. Strength is available from metal doors but thermal insulations from glass ones. Glass doors are good insulators but they are not beneficial for privacy.
Wooden doors on the other hand are elegant, privacy oriented and good insulators but are costly in maintenance. So, when you need door installation, it is best to hire a wooden door specialist and ask his suggestions. Good companies like Glazing Works London are there who can provide you with holistic solutions for your door and window installation needs.
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